UPDATE 01/24/25
Hesston Elementary Parents
Yearbook orders are due Jan 31 st. These can be turned into the office or ordered online. If you need another order form, please see attachment.
Keep Drop-off and Pick-Up lines Moving
Please keep your drop-off and pick-up routines as brief as possible to keep the line from backing up onto Ridge Road. This is a safety concern with the Hesston Police Department. Here are some tips to remember:
Students should exit or enter the car in the Drop Off Zone ONLY.
Parents, please do not exit your car in the Drop Off Zone. If you need to get out of the car, please pull into a parking space.
If parking, please leave the handicapped spaces open for handicapped people.
Please call ahead if you would like to eat lunch
If you plan to eat from our cafeteria, we need to know before 9 AM the day of; so we have you in the lunch count. The cost is $5 cash or check. If you are not eating, but are coming to sit with your child, it's still helpful for us to know.
Upcoming Dates
Jan 31 H.El.P fundraiser begins
Yearbook orders due
Feb 7 H.El.P Bingo Night @ 6:30 PM
Feb 10 No School - In Service
Feb 13 Parent Teacher Conferences
Book Fair begins
Feb 14 H.El.P fundraiser ends
Class parties
Feb 17 Parent Teacher Conferences
Feb 20 Book Fair ends
Feb 25 Spring Pictures
Feb 28 No School
Mar 13 H.El.P fundraiser pick-up day
UPDATE 08/16/24
Hesston Elementary Parents
Drop Off and Pick Up Protocols
We are excited for students to return to the building. Here are a few reminders that will help our arrival and pick up times be a little more efficient for families.
Please say farewells and goodbyes outside the building, Mrs. Krehbiel or Mrs. Lafferty will assist your child into the building. Staff members will ensure students get to their classroom successfully. We are here to support your child.
Breakfast is served at 7:30-7:50 am. Students should come to the front doors, if they are eating breakfast.
Students should arrive at the building between 7:40 and 7:55.
Students must be in their classroom by 8:00 or they will be considered tardy.
Grades 1 and 2 enter at the East 1/2 commons door.
Kdg, Grade 3 and 4 enter at the front doors.
Students should NOT arrive at the building before 7:30. There is no supervision.
If you have multiple children at different grade levels, drop off and pick up at the door of the youngest child.
Encourage your older children to look for younger siblings at the end of the day.
Think about establishing a meeting spot for your child at dismissal, such as the King Park parking lot, the east side of Weaver Street, or the white church on Amos.
Students should exit or enter the car in the Drop Off Zone ONLY.
Parents, please do not exit your car in the Drop Off Zone. If you need to get out of the car, please pull into a parking space.
We appreciate all your support and continue to ask for patience as we start a new school year.
UPDATE 08/15/24
Hesston Elementary Parents
School Supplies
If you are in need of school supplies, please contact the office and Mrs. Lafferty will collect them for you.
Class Lists
Come to Hesston Elementary on Thursday, August 15 @ 4:00. Class lists will be posted on the front windows.
Meet Your Teacher
Join us for Meet the Teacher Monday, August 19, 4:00-5:00. Bring your school supplies, check-out your classroom, and snap a few back to school photos too. We can't wait to see you!
Parents Night
Parents, please plan to come to your students classroom(s) Wednesday, August 28, 6:00-6:25 &/or 6:30-6:55.
H.El.P Announcements
Hesston Elementary Apparel - the first order cut off is Aug 25 th. Once they are all done, they will be put in the child's classroom. See the link below to order.
Hesston Elementary School (H.El.P.) - IMPRINTS (imprintsshirts.com)
Help us with the Parking Lot Party August 30 th. Sign up to help or donate items needed with the link below.
Hesston Elementary Parents (H.EL.P): Parking Lot Party- Fall Sports Preview (signupgenius.com)
Upcoming Dates
August 15 - Class Lists in windows @ 4:00
August 19 - Meet the Teacher 4:00-5:00
August 20 - First Day of School 1-4 Grades, 12:00 Dismissal
August 21 - First Day of School KG, Half Day schedule
August 28 - Parents Night 6-6:25 & 6:30-6:55
September 2 - No School, Labor Day
Sept 5 - First Full Day school KG
Menu Link
We appreciate all your support and continue to ask for patience as we start a new school year.
UPDATE 05/31/24
Attention Non-Resident Students (not currently enrolled in Hesston Schools), our Non-Resident Student Application is now available on our website. All Non-Resident Students hoping to attend Hesston Schools in the fall of 2024 will need to fill out the application. This does not apply to current Non-Resident Students already enrolled in a Hesston Schools. The application will need to be filled out with all documentation attached and then turned into the District Main Office between June 1-June 30 to be placed in the lottery that will be done beginning of July.
The application can be found under Menu - Documents - Back to School 2024-2025 - Non Resident Application (https://5il.co/2n7z9)
If you have further questions, please call the District Office at (620) 327-4931.
UPDATE 03/19/24
Attached is the link for information regarding Kindergarten Round Up.
UPDATE 08/30/23
Swather Families - Here is a link to our Respect Video. Each month our 4th grade Leaders work with Mrs. Lafferty to teach our Character Word of the Month to the rest of the school. Classes watch this video in their classroom and do activities throughout the month about that Character Trait! We are starting the school year learning about RESPECT; which also happens to be one of our Swather Pillars as well.
UPDATE 08/14/23 (Below Message was also sent via IC Message)
Hesston Elementary Parents,
Meet Your Teacher
Join us for Meet Your Teacher, August 15, 4:00-5:00. Bring your school supplies, check-out your classroom, and snap a few back to school photos. We can't wait to see you!
First Day of School
1-4 Grades will start August 16, with a half day being dismissed at 12:00 PM. Students will eat lunch before dismissal. Kindergarten students will start August 17 with the half day AM or PM schedule.
Drop Off and Pick Up Protocols
We are excited for students to return to the building. Here are a few reminders that will help our arrival and pick up times be a little more efficient for families.
Please say farewells and goodbyes outside the building, Mrs. Krehbiel or Mrs. Lafferty will assist your child into the building. Staff members will ensure students get to their classroom successfully. We can do hard things together!
Students should arrive between 7:40 and 7:55. They must be in their classroom by 8:00.
Grades 1 and 2 enter at the East 1/2 commons door.
Kdg, Grade 3 and 4 enter at the front doors.
If students arrive before 7:40, they will need to come to the front door.
If you have multiple children at different grade levels, drop off and pick up at the door of the youngest child.
Encourage your older children to look for younger siblings at the end of the day.
Think about establishing a meeting spot for your child at dismissal, such as the King Park parking lot, the east side of Weaver Street, or the white church on Amos.
Be aware the high school parents will be using the swimming pool parking lots as a drop off and pick up zone with the construction at the front of the high school.
Students should exit or enter the car in the Drop Off Zone ONLY.
Parents, please do not exit your car in the Drop Off Zone. If you need to get out of the car, please pull into a parking space.
School Supplies
If you are in need of school supplies, please contact the office and Mrs. Lafferty will collect them for you.
Lunch Menu
We appreciate all your support and continue to ask for patience as we start a new school year.
UPDATE 05/23/23
Swather Families -
We hope you have a relaxing and safe summer!
Important Dates, Supply Lists, etc. are being updated to the website as we speak. Supply Lists for the 2023-2024 can be found under the Back to School section (https://5il.co/1uwjx). The Important Dates can be found there as well.
We look forward to seeing you at Enrollment Day on August 3 at Hesston High School.
UPDATE 04/27/22
The End of the Year K4 has been posted (https://5il.co/19jap)
Swather Families -
Our school year is quickly coming to an end in a few short weeks. I would like to take this opportunity to thank students and parents for a great year. Our students have learned and grown even when it has been challenging. Thanks for your support and grace.
Our fourth graders have begun the transition process to the middle school. Fourth graders met their buddies on April 19. As they learned to get to know each other, completed “Get to Know You” activities, and asked questions to ease their apprehensions of moving to a new school. On April 25, the fourth grade toured Hesston Middle School with their buddy and got a glimpse of what school is really like. The school counselors and teachers did an excellent job of making this transition a positive experience and reassured all students.
Hesston Elementary welcomed prospective students to Kindergarten Round-Up on the afternoon of April 4. It was fun to see these eager children ready to start their educational experience. Students and parents were introduced to school personnel, as well as answered many questions and completed pre-enrollment. Information on kindergarten can be found at the following link. Kindergarten Round Up Information We are excited to have these new friends join us at HES.
Students in third and fourth grades completed the Kansas State Assessments in math and reading. These tests were centered on the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards. Students and teachers worked diligently to complete the assessments and their patience and their best effort was appreciated.
Class placement for the 2022-23 school year will begin soon. If you have questions or concerns regarding placement, please communicate with me in writing by May 31. There are many factors carefully considered by our team before a child is placed in a specific classroom. Therefore, individual teacher requests will not be taken. We are dedicated to meeting the educational, social, and emotional needs of each child and will address issues affecting your child on an individual basis.
With the warmer weather, more students are riding their bikes to school. Please remind your child to wear their bike helmet and practice bike safety. Also, please have your child check the lost and found box in the commons area. It is full and running over with coats and jackets. Thank you parents for supporting teachers and your child(ren) throughout the year with reading, math facts, and positive affirmations. Your tireless efforts and motivation make a difference in the success of your child.
Have a wonderful summer!
UPDATE 02/28/2022
The February/ March 2022 K4 has been posted. (https://5il.co/16iyj)
Swather Families:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you parents for taking time to visit with your child’s teacher at Parent Teacher Conferences. Communication between home and school is key to improving academic achievement, as well as supporting and motivating each student in the classroom. Families can support these efforts at home by establishing homework routines, dedicating a reading time each evening, along with practicing basic math facts. We applaud your efforts and know it takes both school and home to make the biggest impact on student learning. Thank you for your support!
Kansas State Assessments:
Third and Fourth Grade students will be taking the Kansas State Assessments this spring. These assessments are designed to measure student proficiency against the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards. Assessments start March 29 and run through April 14. Students will be tested in areas of English Language Arts and Math. These assessments allow teachers, parents, and students to see what skills have been mastered throughout the year. We ask for parent support in helping your child get plenty of sleep, eat a good breakfast, and encourage them to give their best effort. These assessments will occur during the morning hours, so as you schedule appointments please keep this in mind. If you have further questions, please check with your child’s teacher.
Testing Dates:
4th grade: ELA - March 29 & 30, Math - April 11 & 12
3rd Grade: ELA - March 31 & April 1, Math - April 13 & 14
School Safety
There are a few reminders to help make our school safe for all students. If your child has to cross Amos Street at the front of the school, an adult must assist them in crossing the street. The alley to the west of the school is reserved for buses only throughout the school day. It is not to be used as a drop off or pick up point for students. Another reminder for everyone’s safety, please do not use the mailbox parking between the front exit and the alley as a drop off zone. If you visit the playground after school hours, please be sure the gate is always closed when you leave and you take all of your belongings. A trash can has been conveniently placed near the playground for any trash. Student safety is our priority, please follow these procedures in order to help keep everyone safe and our playground clean.
Drop Off/Pick Up
Please help the drop off/ pick up line move efficiently by not leaving your vehicle unattended. If you need to leave your car, you will need to park in a parking stall. There is lots of room for you to park at the front of the building and in the east lot.
S.W.A.G. - Swather Walkers Achieving Greatness
The S.W.A.G. season has begun and the miles are adding up. We are so appreciative of the financial support from the H.El.P. organization for supporting this all school program. This is another alternative for students to do during recess time. Please visit with your child to determine their walking/running goal and support eating healthy meals, stretching, and drinking plenty of water. We encourage students to get a balance of running and play time in at recess times.
Thank you for your continued support. It is a privilege to work with your child(ren). If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at alisa.krehbiel@usd460.org or your child’s teacher.
UPDATE 12/21/21
The December/January K4 is posted at this link https://5il.co/13fxt or look for it under the K4 Connection on the Menu tab of our website. Below is a message from Mrs. Krehbiel.
Happy Holidays Swather Families!
Students finished the first semester on a positive note. They have been actively engaged in learning and are moving through the curriculum. Students and teachers have been exploring a new reading curriculum, called EL Education. I encourage you to ask your child about the stories they are reading in class.
Several holiday traditions continued through the month of December. Santa visited classrooms on December 20. Students enjoyed the pop-it gift with a swather on it from Santa. Students and staff enjoyed Singing Around the Christmas Tree on December 21. Thanks to the H.El.P organization for their continued support during the holiday events.
Students and Mrs. Funk did a great job presenting the music program, A Broadway Holiday on November 20. Students’ hard work and efforts paid off as the audience enjoyed many favorite Broadway hits. A special thank you to all of the staff, parents, and community members who contributed to this special performance. Our Kindergarten students performed A Gingerbread Christmas and holiday favorites for parents and families on December 20.
Please be aware of a new traffic sign added to the east parking lot. You are not allowed to make a left turn while the school zone is active. Please help keep our students and crossing guards safe. As we start the new semester a friendly reminder that students should be arriving at school near 7:40, unless they are eating breakfast which starts at 7:30. Also, if your child has to cross Amos Street to get to the front of the school, an adult must assist them in crossing the street.
Please help the drop off/ pick up line move efficiently by not leaving your vehicle unattended. If you need to leave your car, please move to a parking stall. Also, students should be entering and exiting cars in the drop off zone. They should not be walking between cars without an adult.
If you visit the playground after school hours, please be sure the gate is always closed when you leave and you take all of your belongings. A trash can has conveniently been placed near the playground for any trash. If pets join you on the playground, it is very important that you pick up after them. This is where our children play every day. Student safety is a priority, please follow these procedures in order to help keep everyone safe and our playground ready for children.
Thank you to all our parents and families for your continued support. It is a privilege to work with your child(ren). If you have questions or concerns, please contact me or your child’s teacher. Best wishes this holiday season, stay healthy and may it be filled with peace and joy!
UPDATE 10.29.21
The latest K4 Newsletter has been posted. Please visit our website (es.hesstonschools.org), click on the "MENU" tab at the top, scroll down to "PARENT CONNECT," and click on K4 Connection. Thank you for all your support and we hope you have a safe and fun Halloween Weekend! Below is a note from our principal, Mrs. Krehbiel.
Swather Families:
The first quarter is successfully complete. Students and teachers have worked hard establishing classroom procedures and routines, while learning every day. As I walk through the hallways and classrooms, students are actively engaged in reading, writing, spelling, math, social studies, and science.
It was wonderful to see so many parents attending Parent/Teacher Conferences. Having the opportunity to meet with your child’s classroom teacher and hear firsthand how they are progressing makes a huge difference in their success. Thank you for your support in reading with your child and practicing math facts as their regular homework. It is this type of home/school connection that helps us make great gains in the classroom. We could not do it without your support!
Safety is an important element in everything we do at the elementary. Here are a few reminders to help make our school safe for all students. The alley to the west of the school is reserved for buses only throughout the school day. It is not to be used as a drop off or pick up point for students. Also, if your child has to cross Amos Street to get to the front of the school, an adult must assist them across the street. The drop off and pick up lines can be a challenge at times, and so it is important to not leave your car unattended. If you need to come into the building, please find a parking spot in the parking lot or along the street. Also, students should only be entering/exiting the car in the drop off lane, not the parking lot area. Following these procedures will keep everyone safe.
I’d like to remind you that eight o’clock is the official start time of the school day and it is important for your child to be at school on time. Please be aware, students need to be in their classrooms by the 8:00 bell. If they arrive in the classroom after 8:00, they will be marked as tardy. We ask that students arrive as close to 7:40 as possible. Breakfast is served daily from 7:30-7:50, students should arrive with enough time to eat. Thanks for helping your child get off to a positive start each day.
I do want to make you aware of a few changes to the elementary music program coming up on November 22 at 7:00 pm. Students in grades 1-4 will be sharing their talents that evening at the high school gymnasium. The program will also be shared via livestream. The link to the program will be shared closer to the date. We continue to monitor our Covid numbers to determine if modifications need to be made to the night of the performance. Our kindergarten students will have their own music program on Monday, December 20 at 2:15 at the elementary gym. Please mark your calendars for these exciting holiday events.
It is a privilege to work with your child every day. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me or your child’s teacher.
---Alisa Krehbiel
UPDATE 03.30.21
Kindergarten Round Up Slideshow
If you have any further questions or concerns after viewing the slideshow about Kindergarten Round-Up, please feel free to reach out to Hesston Elementary at (620) 327-7102.
UPDATE 03.01.21
Hello Swather Families:
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Thank you parents for taking time to visit with your child’s teacher at Parent Teacher Conferences. Communication between home and school is key to improving academic achievement, as well as supporting and motivating each student in the classroom. Families can support these efforts at home by establishing homework routines and reading with their child. In addition, helping your child master addition and subtraction facts in grades K-2 and multiplication and division facts in grades 3 and 4 assists them as they learn to solve complex math problems. We applaud your efforts and know it takes both school and home to make the biggest impact on student learning. Thank you for your support!
Kansas State Assessments: Third and Fourth Grade students have been preparing all year to take the Kansas State Assessments. These assessments are designed to measure student proficiency against the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards. Assessments start April 13 and run through April 29. Students will be tested in areas of English, Language Arts, and Math. These assessments allow teachers, parents, and students to see what skills have been mastered throughout the year. We ask for parent support in helping your child get plenty of sleep, eat a good breakfast, and encourage them to give their best effort. These assessments will occur during the morning hours, so as you schedule appointments please keep this in mind. If you have further questions, please check with your child’s teacher.
Testing Dates:
ELA - April 13 & 14 - Grade 4, April 15 & 16 - Grade 3
Math - April 26 &27 - Grade 4, April 28 & 29 - Grade 3
School Safety: There are a few reminders to help make our school safe for all students. If your child has to cross Amos Street at the front of the school, an adult must assist them in crossing the street. The alley to the west of the school is reserved for buses only throughout the school day. It is not to be used as a drop off or pick up point for students. Another reminder for everyone’s safety, please do not use the mailbox parking between the exit and the alley as a drop off zone. If you visit the playground after school hours, please be sure the gate is always closed when you leave and you take all of your belongings. A trash can has been conveniently placed near the playground for any trash. Student safety is our priority, please follow these procedures in order to help keep everyone safe and our playground clean.
Drop Off/Pick Up: Please help the drop off/ pick up line move efficiently by not leaving your vehicle unattended. If you need to leave your car, you will need to park in a parking stall. There is lots of room for you to park at the front of the building and in the east lot. We ask that students should not be walking between cars in the pick up line.
S.W.A.G. - Swather Walkers Achieving Greatness: The S.W.A.G. season has begun and the miles are adding up. We are so appreciative of the financial support from the H.El.P. organization for supporting this all school program. This is another alternative for students to do during recess time. Please visit with your child to determine their walking/running goal and support eating healthy meals and drinking plenty of water. We encourage students to get a balance of running and play time. Students love having visitors join them to walk during lunch recess.
Thank you for your continued support. It is a privilege to work with your child(ren). If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at alisa.krehbiel@usd460.org or your child’s teacher.
UPDATE 02.26.21 Hesston Elementary Update
MONDAY MARCH 1 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher InService
FRIDAY MARCH 5 - SPRING PICTURES (rescheduled from 02/17)
K4 Newsletter has been posted. You can find it under Parent Connect. Have a Great Weekend!
UPDATE 02.09.21
Hesston Elementary School Update - Attached is a link for the updated Lunch Menu for the month of February. The Lunch Menu is updated often if there is a change in the menu. You can find the Lunch Menu by clicking Menu from the home page and then clicking Meal Menus.
02.05.21 UPDATE
HAPPY RED DAY! Today we celebrate the Kansas City Chiefs at the Elementary School!

01.21.21 UPDATE
12.11.20 UPDATE
Happy Holidays Swather Families!
It has been awesome to have our students on campus and receive in-person instruction during this challenging time. Teachers and students have been working hard to adapt to the ever changing safety precautions in order to keep students safe and in school. We thank you for your patience and support as we navigate these uncharted times. This is also a good time to check your child’s masks. They have been wearing them to school nearly 18 weeks. Do the masks still fit over your child’s nose? Has the elastic stretched out? Are they clean? Please replenish their supply, if needed. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Students are finishing the first semester on a positive note. They have been actively engaged in learning and are moving through the curriculum. Several holiday traditions continue through the month of December in just a little different way. Santa will visit classrooms via Zoom and deliver a special gift on December 18. Students and staff will enjoy Singing Around the Christmas Tree, as classes socially distance in the gym to sing their favorite Christmas carols. Thanks to the H.El.P organization for their continued support during many of the holiday events.
I have a few reminders to help make our school safe for all students. Students should be arriving at school near 7:40. If you need supervision prior to 7:30 in the morning, you will need to communicate with Hesston Childcare Center at 620-327-3775 for them to attend Kids Connect.
Also, if your child has to cross Amos Street to get to the front of the school, an adult must assist them in crossing the street. If you visit the playground after school hours, please be sure the gate is always closed when you leave and you take all of your belongings. A trash can has conveniently been placed near the playground for any trash. If pets join you on the playground, it is very important that you pick up after them. This is where our children play every day. Student safety is a priority, please follow these procedures in order to help keep everyone safe and our playground ready for children.
Please help the drop off/ pick up line move efficiently by not leaving your vehicle unattended. If you need to leave your car, please move to a parking stall. Also, students should be entering and exiting cars in the drop off zone. They should not be walking between cars without an adult.
Thank you to all our parents and families for your continued support. It is a privilege to work with your child(ren). If you have questions or concerns, please contact me or your child’s teacher. Best wishes this holiday season, stay healthy and may it be filled with peace and joy!
10.27.2020 UPDATE
Swather Families:
The first quarter is successfully complete. Students and teachers have worked hard establishing new classroom procedures and routines, while learning every day. Our students are doing an awesome job with wearing masks and practicing the fundamental safety protocols. These practices are making a positive difference in the number of positive cases throughout the district.
Parent/Teacher Conferences had a different look to them this fall with teachers connecting with parents via Zoom. It is important to make direct contact with parents and provide an opportunity to connect with their child’s teacher directly. Thank you for your participation in these important conversations. Also, we appreciate your support in reading with your child and practicing math facts as your child’s regular homework. It is this type of home/school connection that helps us make great gains in the classroom.
Safety is an important element in everything we do at the elementary. As a part of keeping everyone safe, we continue to practice safety drills each year. Students and staff have participated in fire drills, a tornado drill, and crisis drill. We recently completed our first crisis drill where students practiced scattering throughout the room with an object they could counter with should an intruder enter the building. Our students take these drills seriously and give their best effort in learning these safety skills. Teachers reflect with students following a drill on the importance of keeping everyone safe and what they could do to continue practicing these skills.
Eight o’clock is the official start time of the school day. Please be aware, students need to be in their classrooms by the 8:00 bell. If they arrive in the classroom after 8:00, they will be marked as tardy. We ask that students arrive as close to 7:40 as possible. Breakfast is served daily from 7:30-7:50, students should arrive with enough time to eat. Thanks for helping your child get off to a positive start each day.
I do want to make you aware of one major change to the elementary calendar. Due to the Covid restriction set forth by the county and district, we are unable to host our traditional K-4 Christmas music concert scheduled for November 19. Mrs. Funk hopes we can share our students’ musical talents at a program in spring.
Thank you for your support during this unprecedented year, we have had to change schedules, routines, and annual events in order to abide by covid restrictions. We understand this is not ideal, but they are important so we can have your child(ren) attend school in person. It is a privilege to work with your child every day. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me or your child’s teacher.
K4 Newsletter has been posted on the website for November and December.
09.28.2020 UPDATE
Hesston Elementary Families:
Our school year is off to a great start. It is so awesome to have students back at the building. They have been working hard learning grade level expectations and reconnecting with classmates. We welcome kindergarten families, new students, and previous students to the building. We also welcomed several new staff members to H.E.S.: Mrs. Kyle Soeken joined the kindergarten team, Mrs. Kara Swartzendruber is welcomed to the 3rd grade team, and Miss Courtney Unruh is new to the fourth grade team.
Safety is a top priority at Hesston Elementary. I have a few reminders to help make our school safe for all students. The alley to the west of the school is reserved for buses only throughout the school day. It is not to be used as a drop off or pick up point for students. Students and families should not be riding their bikes up the alley, as this is a bus drop off zone. Also, if your child has to cross Amos Street to get to the front of the school, an adult must assist them across the street. Your help with these procedures is greatly appreciated. We also thank our volunteer crossing guards, who keep students safe to and from school. Thank you for all of your assistance in keeping our students safe.
Having two drop off and pick up lines has reduced the amount of time parents have to wait. We ask your help to keep the process moving quickly, by not leaving your vehicle unattended. If you need to exit your vehicle, please find a parking spot in the lot. Students are asked to be dropped off and picked up only in the designated pick up lane. Students should not be walking between cars or through parking lots to get in the car or to their parents.
The official start time of the school day is 8:00 a.m. Please be aware, students need to be in their classrooms by the 8:00 a.m. bell. If they arrive in the classroom after 8:00 a.m., they will be marked tardy. Please refer to the student-parent handbook for the tardy policies. Thank you parents for ensuring your child is at school on time and off to a positive start each day.
We appreciate the support of our parents as we navigate the many changes this school year. Now that we will be transitioning to green in the gating criteria, there are several elements I want parents to be aware of. Students and staff will continue to wear masks while at the building. Visitors will continue to be on a limited basis and will be expected to follow all the fundamental safety practices. To help us stay in the green metric, we ask parents not to join us for lunch and for birthdays in the classroom. This allows us to closely monitor contact tracing with our students. The fundamental safety practices will continue with good hand hygiene, social distancing, wearing a mask, and staying home when sick.
Thank you for your continued support as we work to educate your child, while keeping them safe. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at alisa.krehbiel@usd460.org or at 620-327-7102. It’s an awesome start to the year!
Our K4 Newsletter has been posted as well as the October Menu. Both documents can be found under Documents.
8.27.2020 UPDATE
August 27, 2020 Update
H.E.S Families -
We are ALL very excited to see you in the building soon! Below are a few important things to know about this upcoming school year. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out so we can help in any way possible.
Arrival Time
Drop off students after 7:40; unless the student is eating breakfast (breakfast will start being served at 7:33)
Unfortunately, parents will not walk students to their classroom.
Grades 1 and 2 use the east parking lot, enter 1/2 commons door.
Kindergarten, Grades 3 and 4 use front drop off lane, enter front doors.
Temperature taken upon entering the building.
Dismissal Times
3:05 Bus students dismissed to load busses.
Grade 1 - dismiss through 1/2 commons door
Kdg. and Grade 3 - dismiss through front doors
Grade 2 - dismiss through 1/2 commons door
Grade 4 - dismiss through front doors
Parents are encouraged to set an after school meeting spot for their child(ren).
All students will wear masks.
An extra mask in backpack is encouraged.
Mask breaks will be built in throughout the day.
No masks worn at recess and P.E.
Lunch and Recess
Each grade level will have their own lunch time.
One grade level at a time on the playground for recess.
Visitors will be limited to the office area.
No lunchroom visitors.
Birthday parties will occur, but no visitors in classroom.
Looking forward to seeing students in Grades 1,2,3 and 4 on September 2 and Kindergarten on September 3!
5.1.2020 UPDATE
May 1, 2020 Update
H.E.S. Families -
I hope you find yourself healthy and in good spirits as we move towards the end of the school year. We wanted to share a few updates with you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out, so we can help in any way.
May 20 is the last day of school. Please have all assignments completed and turned into the teacher by 10:00 am that day.
May 22 will be Drop Off/Pick Up day at the Elementary. iPads, chargers, library books, and baggy books will be dropped off then. Yearbooks and other school related items will be distributed to families. Details on the process will be shared closer to the date.
May 7 is the day we would like to have all library books collected. There is a drop-box at the lunch pick-up at the Middle School or a box in the front entry-way of the elementary. Thanks for your help in getting library books returned.
More information will be coming out on Kindergarten Round-Up and Kindergarten Screening. These events will occur at a later date with details to follow. We look forward to welcoming new families to H.E.S.
Enjoy the spring weather and cherish this time with family.
3.27.2020 UPDATE
Hesston Elementary Parents:
*Student Supply Pick Up: On Monday, March 30, students’ supplies will be ready for pick up, along with technology check out for those requesting it. Please see the following link for grade level pick up times and instructions. HES Parent Supply Pick-Up Instructions. Don’t forget to bring your child’s library books and/or baggie books with you to pick up time. This will also be another time to connect with your child’s teacher.
*Class DoJo: Please be sure to check your Class DoJo accounts for messages from your child’s teacher. If you haven't, please install this app to your phone or ipad. Also, check your notification settings. You will want to visit this site regularly, as teachers will be using it to communicate information about academics with their students.
*School Closure Updates: You will find information about school supply pick-up times, lunch and breakfast options, technology needs, and answers to many of your questions related to the school closing at the following link: School Closures General Updates
Looking forward to seeing you on Monday, March 30!
3.20.2020 UPDATE
Communication Platform: Parents as we move forward with teaching and learning, we will be using Class DoJo as our main communication tool. If you haven't please install this app to your phone or ipad. Also, check your notification settings. You will want to check this site regularly, as teachers will be using it to communicate academics with their students. Yesterday, teachers sent out a message to all their students, if you did not reply to the teacher's message, please do so as soon as possible, so we know which families to contact directly.
School Lunch & Breakfast. Beginning March 23, we will be serving lunch and breakfast each weekday from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm outside the middle school gym. This is free for all kids ages 1-18, even those who are not USD 460 students will get a free lunch and breakfast if they need one. If you need food delivered within the Hesston city limits, we can do that too. Please use the following link to let us know if you would like to pick-up food at the middle school or need delivery, which will begin at 11:00 am.... Lunch and Breakfast Form
Technology Needs. As we transition to a new way of teaching and learning, technology will become an essential aspect of our new model. We recognize that some students need a device and some need internet access. To identify those in need, we ask you to complete the Technology Needs Form. The school district is working to make sure that every family has at least one device, and our teachers will be flexible when delivering instruction. No one needs to purchase new technology.