Masking All Students will wear masks. An extra mask in the backpack is encouraged. Mask breaks will be built in throughout the day. No masks will be worn at recess and P.E. Lunch and Recess Each grade level will have their own lunch time. One grade level at a time on the playground for recess. Visitors Visitors will be limited to the office area. No lunchroom visitors. Birthday parties will occur, but no visitors in classroom. We look forward to seeing students in the building SOON!
about 4 years ago, Sara McAllister
Below is Important Information from Hesston Elementary School: Arrival Time to School: Drop off students after 7:40; unless going to breakfast at 7:33 Unfortunately, parents will not walk students to their classroom. Grades 1 and 2 use the east parking lot, enter 1/2 commons door. Kdg. Grades 3 and 4 use front drop off lane, enter front doors. Temperature will be taken upon entering the building. Dismissal Times from School 3:05 - Bus students dismissed to load buses. 3:10 - Grade 1 - dismiss through 1/2 commons door Kdg. and Grade 3 - dismiss through front doors 3:15 - Grade 2 - dismiss through 1/2 commons door Grade 4 - dismiss through front doors Parents are encouraged to set an after school meeting spot for their child(ren).
about 4 years ago, Sara McAllister
Our community meeting to discuss Back to School is Thursday, August 13 at 6:00 pm. We have limited in-person availability and will live stream through the Swather Sports Network (@SportsSwather). You can read much more by clicking
about 4 years ago, Ben Proctor
over 4 years ago, Lisa Stoppel
Check out the latest updates from the Elementary at the following link:
over 4 years ago, Alisa Krehbiel
3rd Grade visited with Chief Meteorologist, Lisa Teachman from KSN, Channel 3. Learning about weather safety. The Storm Tracker 3 was awesome! #swathersareprepared #weathersmart
over 4 years ago, Hesston USD 460
Chief Meteorologist Lisa Teachman visited with our 3rd graders
Students check out a meteorologist's gear
Lisa Teachman talks with Hesston 3rd Graders about weather safety
Students learn more about the weather from a real meteorologist
Sharing the love of reading in World Read Aloud Day! #WRAD2020 #thepowerofbooks
over 4 years ago, Hesston Elementary School
Class group photo after participating in read aloud day
Students reading aloud to other students
Young students working together to read a book aloud
We love World Read Aloud Day!
Hesston Elementary teachers sharing learning and personal professional growth with colleagues.
over 4 years ago, Hesston Elementary School
HES Teachers participating in a professional growth exercise
HES teachers learning from eachother
HES teachers collaborating during a professional development event
HES Teachers work together to grow